Saturday, February 27, 2010

Orange Infused French Toast

I'm huge on healthy eating and usually don't touch bread that is not whole grain, but french toast is the one exception and as my mom puts it, "you must use white trash bread" and for those of you who don't know , white trash bread is basically the cheapest, whitest french bread you can find. We don't have it often for Sunday breakfast but since we are having it tomorrow, I thought I should share.

Orange Infused French Toast

1 loaf white trash bread thickly sliced
1 organic orange - grated rind, juice & pulp
4-6 eggs
1 - 2 C whole milk
1 T vanilla extract
Butter for skillet

Heat large skillet on low-med, whisk orange juice, pulp, rind, eggs, milk and vanilla generously , soak as many pieces of bread that will fit in your skillet until bread almost falls apart, butter pan and cook on low-med for 5 minutes on each side or until slightly browned. Repeat as necessary.

Serve with real maple syrup & butter or for special occasions, whip cream and fresh berries.

* non-organic oranges have and extremely high concentration of pesticides in the rind


  1. When you say, 'white trash' bread do you mean Two Sisters white trash bread recipe or just any type of white bread that isn't good for you???


